It is well documented now that having strong core muscles is one way to help prevent back pain from arising.

This is because the stronger the muscles are around the front and sides of your midsection, the more support your lower back has.

There is an abundance of information available on how to strengthen your core muscles.

Some of the simplest and best explained ways of strengthening your core are in the article Three moves to sculpt your waist in the “best health” section of

Try to do these exercises a few times a week to help your back remain as healthy as it can be!

Move 1: Reverse crunch

Works: lower and some upper abdominals

A. Lying on a mat face up, bend your knees. Raise one leg at a time, straightening each leg as much as possible, so the soles of the feet are parallel to the ceiling. At the same time, raise your head off the floor with your hands behind your neck to support it.

B. Contract your abs as you exhale and pull your legs toward your head.

C. Inhale as you relax your abs to slowly return your legs to their original position.

Move 2: classic crunch

Works: Upper abdominals

A. Lying on a mat face up, bend your knees, keeping your heels on the floor while pointing your toes up. With both hands under your head, curl your upper body toward your thighs as you exhale.

B. Pause at the top and then lower down slowly as you inhale.

Move 3: Oblique twist

Works: Obliques (the diagonal muscles that run along the sides of your waist)

A. Lying on a mat face up, bend your knees and keep your heels on the floor. Place your left ankle across your right knee. Extend your left hand, palm up, perpendicular to your body on the floor beside you. Place your right hand behind your head for neck support.

B. On your exhalation, raise your upper body by bringing your right shoulder toward your left knee as far as possible.

C. At the top, pause briefly and then slowly lower your body down as you inhale. Don’t pull your head forward using your hand, but just support it. Repeat this on the other side.