Is back pain just a part of life? Doesn’t everyone experience it?

It is well known that 80 per cent of the general population will experience acute back pain at least once in their lifetime. However, you can minimize how severe the bout of back pain is and possibly prevent it from ever happening at all by making positive lifestyle choices. These choices include not smoking, maintaining a healthy weight, exercising daily (including your core muscles), visiting your chiropractor regularly, and lifting properly.

Won’t exercise just make my back or neck problem worse?

Unless your neck or back pain is from a traumatic injury or the pain is too acute to move safely, then keeping mildly active will accelerate the healing process. As well, the joints and muscles will remain more mobile and less prone to seizing up if you keep even mildly active.

Can chiropractic treatment help my back or neck problem?

To answer this question, I would need much more space than is available here. Therefore, it would be easiest for you to go to my newly improved website and read the section What does a chiropractor do?

If you have any questions beyond what is provided there, please call me directly at my office at (250) 378-5456.