The people have spoken, and Harold Joe is the new Lower Nicola Indian Band councillor after Saturday’s byelection.

About 190 people voted, with Joe receiving more than 60 ballots, LNIB executive director Arnie Narcisse said.

“Despite what the courts and everyone have said, the people have spoken again,” he said.

“There is a lot of possibility ahead of us and council is unified in their stance in terms of dealing with any and all issues.”

The courts ordered Joe out last year, Narcisse said, adding that unspecified issues surrounding the band are still being addressed in court.

Speculation about problems meeting quorum during meetings were previously cited as possible reasons for his ousting.

Narcisse hinted that appeals in the past over who was on council is part of the current legal issue.

When asked why the courts ousted Joe last year, Narcisse said: “You’ll have to ask the lawyers. It makes my mind dizzy thinking about all the layers involved.

“We are still tied up in it, to some degree, but despite that, council has said they are ready to take a unified position on issues, which is contrary to what was happening in the past when we were ordered to operate by consensus.”

He said the public wants the LNIB to move on from past issues.

Chief and council have already had a strategic planning meeting over the weekend, where council welcomed him back to the table.

“Council’s mindset was, ‘Let’s get back to work,'” Narcisse said.

“I don’t envision any appeals or any activity of that sort this go-around. I think people are getting quite tired of that, quite frankly.”

Five people competed for the fifth council spot.

In addition to Joe’s more than 60 votes, three received about 40 and the bottom candidate was voted for nine times.

Council’s term ends in October, 2013.

Joe couldn’t be reached for comment by press time.