Dear Editor:

RE: Lower Nicola Indian Band Opposes Hydro Smart Meters

On Feb. 8, the Lower Nicola Indian Band took a strong stand against B.C. Hydro smart meters.

Having heard both sides of the smart question, the band has padlocked all analog meters on their public buildings. The council gave band members signs to put on their homes’ analog meters telling B.C. Hydro and Corix not to change them. Most band home owners have posted those signs.

Some smart meters had already been installed on band houses. Residents who subsequently began to feel sick believe the meters caused their illness.

Incidents of illness, fire or damage to appliances have been reported after installation of the Hydro smart meters elsewhere in B.C.

People who have experienced such problems are urged to report them to [email protected], a provincial group which is tracking them.

Yours truly,

Trudy Fisk

Kamloops, B.C.