Dear Editor:

I take serious offense to anyone who thought that the RCMP were doing anything other than their jobs at the Great Canadian Bike Rally in Merritt. I had the opportunity to notice on many occasions of how helpful the RCMP were to visitors from out of town. Of course there were more resources brought in for the rally, but no more than what would be expected for an event of this size.

I also applaud the RCMP for keeping control of the traffic; that means enforcing the traffic laws as they should be. We as taxpayers should be happy that we are getting our money’s worth when it comes to the way the RCMP conducted themselves.

Anyone who says or writes otherwise was probably part of the problem during the rally. The members of the RCMP, when not working, are regular citizens like most of us. They are just regular people doing a stressful job, and all they want to do is work their shift and be able to go home to their loved ones.

I am sick of the people that write in how they think the RCMP should be doing their job. If you think you can do better, then apply to the force, take your training, and then you will be qualified to tell them how they should be doing their jobs.

Rob Penner

Kelowna, B.C.