In five days I will be on an airplane to Costa Rica, taking with me a new opportunity that wouldn’t have been possible without my 14-month stint in Merritt.

My time here is similar to when Bruce Wayne trained with the Ra’s al Ghul as part of the League of Shadows. Most days were tough, but after surviving for over a year, I feel like I can take on the Joker, Bane and the Scarecrow all at once. Of course, those evil menaces don’t actually exist, but my experiences with some individuals in Merritt were comparable to the terrors encountered with such villains.

The select few who inspired and encouraged me nearly every day have really changed who I am, and the impact they’ve had on my life will stay with me forever. Without them, I may not have had the encouragement needed to start an Internet business and cultivate that to the point where I can take it with me as I travel through Central America and Europe.

After this stint, my second in Merritt, (the first being in 2008 when I worked for the Merritt News) I still believe the town has potential, though most towns do… . Once the city is able to overcome a vocal minority of opposition to progress, then it will see increased investment. Those who arrive from out of town to accept jobs designed to improve the quality of life here need to be given the opportunity to create change, which is what they were hired to do. But a few people have created a vacuum of contention towards those who offer expert advice. The vast majority of the professionals have decided to leave town and allow the bitter, hateful and most vocal individuals to fight amongst themselves, creating delusions of Secret Squirrels conspiring to tear the city apart. This results in new experts arriving and trying to grasp the “Merritt situation.” Continuity of any kind is smouldered by the constant rebellion of the loud minority of intemperate ninnyhammers.

But none of that will matter five days from now, though I will keep my ties with certain individuals. When I occasionally return here on future trips, I’ll look forward to seeing the progress. I am optimistic there will be improvements to the quality of life, particularly the amount of entertainment that might attract a younger generation keen on investing into movie theatres and other spectacles that will make the community more appealing. But right now, Merritt, you do have a unique charm, and I may show up at the Coldwater some day, so you know, keep your eyes open.