Dear Editor:

Over the past several months, there has been a lot of controversy surrounding Angel’s Animal Rescue and Nicola Valley Animal Rescue.

First, let me point out that we do not have an SPCA in Merritt. Second, without the interventions of these two non-profit societies, the at-risk dog and cat populations would have few, if any, humane resources available to them in our area.

Abused, neglected, stray and abandoned animals are a direct reflection of our society’s disposable, throw-away-culture. Surely there is a compassionate, caring way we can work together to support the valuable efforts of these two societies in our community.

Furthermore, I would fully support the allocation of a portion of my municipal tax dollars to help fund these two groups.

The City of Merritt is indeed fortunate to have these two societies available, and we should be able to see that animals are dependent upon us for their well-being. We need to step up to the plate on behalf of a vulnerable animal population.

To Judanna, Angie and their respective volunteers, a sincere thank you for your commitment and dedication to animal welfare.

One of the signs of a sensitive society is how well we treat our animals. Without kindness, society is meaningless.

Bonnie Cowan

Merritt, B.C.