Dear Editor,

If you think the maintenance of our highway is great, you don’t need to read this.

If you think it is not acceptable, here is something to think and react about.

The public keeps saying the maintenance contract needs to be changed to make our roads safer.

No, the contract is fine, if the Ministry of Highways stands behind the contract they have had for 20 years.

Check the Ministry of Transportation and Infrastructure’s website at http/

It is important to read the legislation in order to better understand the contract. Specifically, chapter 9: highway and structure maintenance definitions; chapter 3-340: highway condition reporting; chapter 8-840: highway patrol; chapter 3-300: highway snow removal; chapter 3-320: roadside snow and ice control.

Forward complaints about B.C. highways, recording the time and the road in question, to Minister of Transportation Todd Stone at [email protected] or MLA Jackie Tegart at [email protected].

I feel as a taxpayer in B.C., we have a right to have safe winter roads.

Wayne Schindler
