It’s summertime, kids are almost out of school, plans for vacations, family reunions and backyard parties are underway. You still have to go to work, keep the kids busy, shop, cook and go… go… go. Life never seems to slow down and you’re feeling more and more tired. This is crazy. Your physical body needs down time, time to repair and rejuvenate.

Feeding your passion and taking the time for you is as important to a healthy body as a nutritious diet. Learn to turn off the blender and let the mind settle and take the time to enjoy the things that truly make you feel the peace and calm that bring healing. Learn to appreciate these times and be grateful for them.

One of my passions is summertime flowers. The color, the smell and “the tending to” fill my entire being with such joy that I feel like bursting. Just watching the bees and butterflies amongst all the colors can take all afternoon sometimes. Don’t let all the “what have to be dones” into your moments of healing time. Life is full of things you have to do. Full of stress and times of hardship. But there is a lot of beauty to this planet we live on and we were meant to live passionately.

Make your passion a part of your life, even if only in small doses. You will start to feel happier and the joy will spread to other areas of your life. Also learn to give others the time and space to enjoy theirs.

“Don’t ask what the world needs. Ask what makes you come alive, and go do it. Because what the world needs is people who have come alive.” Howard Thurman 1900 – 1981 Minister, educator, civil rights leader.