There are many different things you do in your home that may cause an injury. Two of the more common ones are using the stairs and getting in or out of the bathtub.

However, there is one particular activity that is very troublesome for people who are prone or vulnerable to bouts of low back pain. Believe it or not, it is vacuuming.

Unfortunately, all types of floors require sweeping or vacuuming at some time.

When you have a back condition, this can prove to be a painful task.

The handles of most vacuum cleaners are made to reach to waist level, supposedly preventing you from having to bend while operating it.

However, we live in a fast paced society where the time allotted for household chores each week is limited.

To complete the task of vacuuming as quickly and efficiently as possible, we all use long strokes and bend or reach as far in front of us as possible.

This causes your upper and lower back to repetitively bend forward.

When bending to reach forward, the “concave” curve in your low back should always be maintained.

To do this, you have to almost “stick your butt out backwards” as you bend forward.

Try this the next time you vacuum.

An even better technique is to not bend over at all.

Particularly for people who have a history of back problems, operating the vacuum at their side instead of reaching out front can be a better option.

This method allows you to cover a smaller area with each stroke but it will keep your body upright the entire time.

To prevent problems in the low back from arising when tackling any household chores, you have to maintain good flexibility and joint mobility in the spine.

Your chiropractor is specifically trained to perform manipulation of your spine to help you accomplish this.

As well, performing stretching and strengthening exercises regularly will make a significant difference.

Dr. Colin Gage is a chiropractor with an office at Nicola Valley Chiropractic