Distracted drivers are being hit harder in the pocketbook as B.C.’s distracted driving fines have more than tripled.

First-time offenders using a phone or hand-held electronic device while driving now face a minimum $543 in financial penalties — a $368 base fine, up from $167, and another $175 fine for the number of penalty points per infraction, which has increased from three to four.

A second offence within 12 months will result in a total fine of $888, and repeat offenders could have their license taken away for three to 12 months.

New drivers trying to obtain their full license in the graduated licensing program face intervention after a first distracted driving offence and a possible prohibition of up to six months.

Distracted driving is now considered a high-risk driving offence, which makes it equivalent to excessive speeding, driving without due care and attention, and driving without reasonable consideration, the Ministry of Public Safety and Solicitor General stated via press release.

The new fines now give B.C. the third highest in the country for distracted driving offences.

Though the fines are higher, B.C. still lags behind other provinces.

According to the Canadian Automobile Association, Ontario’s distracted driving fines range from $490 to $1,000 and in Prince Edward Island from $500 to $1,200.

The previous $167 fine in B.C. was one of the lowest amongst the 10 provinces.

Exceptions to the distracted driving rule includes using an electronic devices if parked off a roadway or parked where your vehicle isn’t not impeding traffic, or when making an emergency call to police, fire or ambulance.