Dear Editor,

In a recently published letter a reader “explained” the wisdom of opposing biosolids on agricultural lands (“‘Biosolids’ are marketing waste,” May 28).

His list of hazards included PCB’s, endocrine disrupters and other scary-sounding things.

He could have done a simple search of the massive amount of study and regulation that backs up the safety of worldwide use of treated sewage sludge. Instead he chose to fearmonger.

To prove his credentials as a NIMBY — a.k.a. BANANA (Build Absolutely Nothing Near Anything), CAVE (Citizen Against Virtually Everything), LULU (Locally Unwanted Land Use) — he advocated the precautionary principle.

This principle has given us such inanities as windfarms and bicycle helmets, as well as shut down mines and stalled pipelines.

It brings to mind the aphorism, “It is better to remain quiet and be considered a fool than to speak and remove all doubt.”

Eric Doll

Logan Lake