
Narian Mitra’s faith column in last week’s Herald (Sept. 10, “Electing by divine-human writ”) is a curious mixture of Christianity and anti-Conservative screed.

The Sermon on the Mount is referenced in its call for righteousness, but then Mr. Mitra prefaces much of his column with the assertion that “the past two or so years have been particularly . . . dirty,” far from a righteous observation.

Under the scrutiny of a fanatically hostile media, Prime Minister Harper’s government has had to be one of the cleanest this country has seen in its history, and I challenge anyone to demonstrate otherwise.

Mitra’s “the hallowed halls of the Senate badly scandalized” caused me to choke. Is he suggesting that Senate accounts have always been lily-white until just now?

A righteous Mitra would mention that senators have played fast and loose with the rules seemingly forever — and that Duffy’s expense money was paid back even though the court, to rule later this year, will have to excuse him lest they open a can of worms going back decades.

Mr. Mitra says promises were broken.

No, sir, whether you agree with them or not, Conservative promises have turned into the reality of controlled spending, lower taxes, larger transfers to provinces, less infringement upon our rights, and more money directed toward the poor, the disabled, families, small business, veterans (yes, veterans — to deny a nearly billion dollar increase is not righteous), the military and aid to distressed people worldwide.

To complete his column’s stray from righteousness, Mr. Mitra laments society’s slide toward Gomorrah and then ignores the role the Liberal/New Democrat/media parties play in greasing that slide.

Peace, Narian Mitra — please stick to uplifting messages of faith in our Saviour, and vote for a competent government on October 19.

Eric Doll

Logan Lake