He’s a man with a several inventions, and one or two of them could be presented in June to “The Dragons” on the CBC series, ‘Dragons’ Den.’

While spending nearly 25 years in Hollywood “blowing things up,” Harvey Keys says he came up with a few ideas that could win over the pocketbooks of some of Canada’s wealthiest business people.

Keys auditioned for the CBC producers in Kamloops on March 22.

“I am expecting a phone call any time now,” Keys said, noting he would ask the Dragons for $100,000. “They finished auditions and they said they would let people know the following week.”

He said approximately 40 people lined up in Kamloops at Thompson Rivers University to pitch their ideas.

His invention aims to save people time in the morning while getting ready for their day. Instead of having to wipe away the thick steam that collects on a bathroom mirror during a shower, Keys’ invention eliminates the condensation within 10 seconds after flipping a switch.

A purchaser would buy the entire unit and then screw it around their mirror, with two screws at the top and two at the bottom. The unit is then plugged into an outlet that is located near the sink.

He said the technology can be moderated to fit the specifics of any mirror.

Even with an idea that could save people time getting ready in the morning, Keys said he hasn’t heard of anyone else inventing the product.

“I’ve been searching and searching, but it looks like I’m the only one who has come up with this,” he said. “I got this idea from my ex-girlfriend when she said she needed to do her makeup but couldn’t because of all the steam.

“This could be good for doing makeup or for shaving right out of the shower.”

Keys said he invented the mirror eight years ago but was unable to market it because his time was consumed by raising a family.

“It’s time now, because I have the time,” he said.

The device could also save on the energy it takes to run a fan to collect the steam while someone is in the shower.

“It could be a lot of savings,” he said.

But that isn’t the only invention Keys presented to several producers of the ‘Dragons’ Den’ when they arrived in Kamloops.

Keys flipped his bathroom cabinet around and revealed jewelry display holders that are made of wood and carved to look like a person’s head or hand. These are then decorated with jewelry.

“One of the producers even bought one of the necklaces that I was displaying,” he said.

‘Dragons’ Den’ producers travelled throughout Canada during the audition campaign.